This Code of Ethics, adopted by Mafalda Industrie Srl, is a set of principles and rules whose observance by employees and collaborators is of fundamental importance for the good functioning, reliability and reputation of Mafalda Industries Srl.

Its purpose is spread the values of correctness, loyalty, integrity and transparency that must guide the actions and behaviors of the individuals who work for the company. To this end, Mafalda Industries undertakes to promote and disseminate knowledge, as well as to ensure that the provisions contained are respected by intervening, if necessary, with the corrective actions deemed most suitable.

The Code of Ethics is brought to the attention of employees and all those with whom Mafalda Industries has business relations through appropriate communication tools.


The recipients of this Code of Ethics are the Employees, the Collaborators who work for Mafalda Industries and all those who work to pursue its objectives.

The recipients of the Code of Ethics abstain from activities, even free of charge, behaviors and acts incompatible with the obligations connected to the relationship maintained with Mafalda Industries.

Mafalda Industries undertakes, in relations with its counterparties, to inform them of the existence of this Code of Ethics.


The subjects who act to pursue the objectives of Mafalda Industries operate in compliance with the following guiding principles:

Human rights and legal compliance

We respect human rights and respect the respective laws, values, norms and social system in all nations.

Ethical behavior

Our standard goes beyond simply complying with laws and other binding regulations. We expect our employees to behave ethically in their work activities and in all related situations.


We do not tolerate any type of discrimination relating to sex, age, race, nationality, disability, religion, social origin and sexual orientation. We support equal opportunities.

Fair business practices

We achieve our market position through the excellent quality of our products and services as well as our performance. We do not use any unfair commercial practices for competitive purposes to the detriment of our competitors or any other company on the market.

Child labor

We condemn child labor and respect the legal regulations relating to the minimum age of entry to work for all employees.

Forced labor and punishments

We condemn forced labor and corporal punishment, threats and harassment of employees.


We condemn all forms of corruption. The legal prohibitions apply to transactions between companies and to contracts with politicians and public officials.


Political independence is of the utmost importance. We are committed to being politically neutral.

Freedom of association

We recognize our employees’ right to free association. We work together with employee representatives on a basis of mutual trust.

Fair wages and working hours

Salaries, social contributions as well as working hours comply with the applicable local minimum standards From law.

Health & Safety

We protect our employees against dangers in the workplace and support health prevention measures.

Product safety and quality

We are aware that the safety and reliability of our products are the basis of our success. Our standard is to offer our customers high quality products. To this end, our quality management is an integral part of all our activities. We comply with legal requirements regarding quality and safety.

Environmental Protection

We design our products, services and processes to be environmentally friendly and energy efficient. We comply with environmental requirements in all our operational areas and use natural resources responsibly.

Data protection and security

The protection of the personal data of our employees, customers and suppliers is of high importance to us. We therefore collect, store or process personal data, if this is necessary, only for legally permitted purposes.

Common well-being

We are aware that we, as a company, also take responsibility for the common well-being. We want to help improve infrastructure, social conditions and quality of life on our sites. Our business operations and products are designed to contribute to people’s well-being and the satisfaction of their needs.


Compliance with company rules and procedures as well as with the contents of this code constitutes an essential part of the contractual obligations of workers pursuant to current legislation.

Any violation of the provisions contained in the Code of Ethics will therefore be considered by Mafalda Industries as a violation of the relationship of trust with the company and may constitute a failure to fulfill the primary obligations of the employment relationship or a disciplinary offense, with the related legal consequences regarding the conservation of the employment relationship and may, if necessary, lead to compensation for damages resulting from the violation itself.